i2c API Portal

Executive Summary

This case study explores the transformation of a cumbersome and manual API documentation process into a streamlined and efficient online portal. The previous system, relying on a 2000-page PDF and manual document updates, was prone to errors, delays, and limited accessibility. The new API portal provides a centralized, real-time platform for managing and publishing API information, significantly improving efficiency and collaboration across teams.


  • Inefficient Information Flow: The previous process relied on slow and disconnected communication between various teams, creating single points of failure and version control issues.
  • Document-Based Workflow: Maintaining a large PDF and individual Word documents was time-consuming, error-prone, and offered limited accessibility and collaboration features.
  • Technical Debt: The manual process hampered scalability, increased maintenance effort, and lacked flexibility to adapt to changing needs.


To address these challenges, we developed an API portal:

  • Centralized Repository: All API information, including names, types, versions, and modifications, is stored in a single, secure location.
  • Real-Time Updates: Changes are reflected instantly, eliminating delays and ensuring everyone has the latest information.
  • Version Control: The portal automatically tracks and manages versions, eliminating the risk of inconsistencies and lost changes.
  • Improved Accessibility: The portal is accessible to all authorized users from any location, facilitating remote collaboration.
  • Enhanced Search: Users can easily search for specific API information through keyword search functionality.
  • Reduced Technical Debt: Automation eliminates manual tasks, simplifying maintenance and increasing scalability.


  • Increased Efficiency: The portal significantly reduces time spent on document creation, updates, and version control.
  • Improved Collaboration: Real-time updates and access enable seamless collaboration between teams.
  • Reduced Errors: Automation minimizes the risk of manual errors and inconsistencies.
  • Enhanced Visibility: The portal provides a clear overview of all available APIs and their status.
  • Improved Client Experience: Clients have immediate access to the latest API information, streamlining their workflow.
  • Reduced Costs: Automating tasks and eliminating redundant documents minimizes resource expenditure.


  • Reduction in Time Spent on Documentation: Automating updates and version control freed up significant time for team members.
  • Improvement in Collaboration: Real-time access and updates facilitated seamless communication between teams.
  • Zero Version Control Errors: Automation eliminated the risk of incorrect or outdated information being used.
  • Increase in Client Satisfaction: Clients reported improved ease of access and understanding of API information.
  • Improvements in Business Development: The portal was a huge success as a showcase for potential clients.


The implementation of the API portal has transformed the way we managed and shared API information. By streamlining processes, eliminating manual tasks, and providing real-time access, the portal significantly improved efficiency, collaboration, and client satisfaction. This case study showcases the transformative power of technology in addressing organizational challenges and driving positive business outcomes.

Project Snapshots

PDF Document

PDF Document

Portal Landing Page

API Portal

API Library

API Portal