

MICare is a digital platform that transforms how Lady Health Workers (LHWs) go from house to house and sell a nutritional product called Wellma based on the condition of a woman. Wellma is designed as a supplement to conveniently provide nutrients to expecting or lactating mothers or Married Women of Reproductive Age (MWRA) who are malnourished.


The traditional process of LHWs going from house to house is inefficient and time-consuming. It is also difficult to track the progress of LHWs and ensure that they are reaching all of their target beneficiaries.


The MICare platform digitizes the process of LHWs selling Wellma. LHWs can use the platform to track their progress, manage their inventory, and report back to their supervisors. The platform also provides LHWs with real-time data on the nutritional status of their beneficiaries, which allows them to better tailor their sales pitch.


The MICare team worked closely with LHWs to develop a prototype of the platform. The team also conducted user research to ensure that the platform was easy to use and met the needs of LHWs.


The MICare platform is currently operational in three districts of Pakistan and impacting over 10,000 pregnant and lactating mothers on a monthly basis.


The MICare team learned a number of important lessons during the development and launch of the platform. One key lesson was that it is important to stay focused on the product vision, even when faced with client demands. Another key lesson was that it is important to build trust with stakeholders and keep them informed and involved throughout the development process. Finally, the team learned that it can be challenging to manage a remote development team, but it is important to be proactive and communicate regularly with team members.

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Rural Support Programmes Network

Project Snapshots